Dragon Fruit is the more common name given to the Pitahaya or Pitaya which turns out to be family members of several cactus species. It is a beautiful fruit grown in Southeast Asia, Mexico, Central and South America, and Israel. The plant is actually a type of cactus, and the fruit comes in 3 colors: 2 have pink skin, but with different colored flesh (one white, the other red), while another type is yellow with white flesh. Dragon fruit is low in calories and offers numerous nutrients, including Vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, plus fiber and antioxidants.
Dragon fruit tastes wonderful! – mildly sweet and crunchy(the crunchiness of its numerous embedded seeds gives it a unique character as compared to any other fruit) , with a flavor that’s like a cross between kiwi and pear.
To choose a ripe dragon fruit: look for bright, even-colored skin. If the fruit has a lot of blotches, it may be over-ripe (a few is normal). Another sign of over-ripe dragon fruit is a very dry, brittle brown stem, or brown on the tips of the “leaves”. Hold the dragon fruit in your palm and try pressing the skin with your thumb or fingers – it should give a little (like a ripe kiwi), but shouldn’t be too soft or mushy. If it’s very firm, it will need to ripen for a few days.